Air plants are a wonderful option for those who dislike dirt! As a fantastic addition to any modern home, these live plants are low maintenance and are easily kept alive in a terrarium or on a shelf or desk space. Misting every few days is ideal, with the occasional soak for about 15 minutes. After soaking is finished, allow them to dry upside down for at least 4 hours before returning them to their display. For more detailed care information, click here. A care sheet will be sent with every purchase.
Air plants make wonderful additions to tropical bioactive enclosures, though they must be mounted on a branch or background. If they are planted in the soil, or in some cases, simply resting on the soil, they will rot. This is because air plants have adapted to growing above the soil, typically on other plants. Fishing line is a great way to mount the plants, though be sure to cut as much of the excess off as possible.
Tillandsia xerographica might be one of the easiest and most forgiving air plants. They are native to semi-desert regions of Guatemala, which means they do not need nearly as much water as other air plants. The graceful form of this plant hides its tough nature. T. xerographica is one of the few air plants that can tolerate full sun. Please note, my stock is not grown in full sun and will require an adjustment period in order to avoid burning.