Plants that Bite Back

Plants that Bite Back

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Plants that Bite Back is a series of 6 classes focusing on different aspects of carnivorous plants. These classes will be held monthly beginning on July 26th and ending on December 21st. Each class will be held on a Saturday from 11am-12pm at Enchanted Alchemy (237 S Main Street, Washington PA). Space is limited, so pre-registration is required. Classes can be purchased one at a time or the full series at once. Each class will focus on a specific topic regarding carnivorous plants and are broken down as such:

July 27th will focus on the basics for carnivorous plants. What they are, how they came to be the way they are, where they grow naturally, etc. 

August 24th will focus on the most famous carnivorous plants and ones often recommended for beginners: Venus Flytraps and Sundews. 

September 28th will focus on American Pitcher Plants in the genus Sarracenia. This month will also feature a guest seller, Adam with Pittsburgh Pitchers. Find his social media here

October 26th will focus on the other pitcher plants, the Nepenthes genus. These tropical pitcher plants really are a wonder!

November 23rd will focus on Butterworts, an inconspicuous plant that doesn't look carnivorous at first glance, but when you look closer, you see something more...

December 21st will focus on the "odds and ends" when it comes to carnivorous plants. Ones that don't fit into the rest of the topics like cobra lilies, Australian pitcher plants, waterwheels, bladderworts, and more will be featured here.