Ten Spring Blooming Native Plants
Spring is a time that many of us await with baited breath. There is nothing better than seeing the pops of color spring flowers bring us after a long winter filled with white snow and brown tree bark. Many of our pollinators, who have slept through the cold, or flown great distances, rely on these spring flowers to fuel their bodies. Spring blooming plants, especially early bloomers, are literally a life saver for them. Their small bodies need fuel in order for them to play their big role in our environment!
But not just any flower will do. Many of our native pollinators, like bees and butterflies, are specialized. This means they either have a strong preference for, or can only dine upon one plant. This can be as broad as an entire genus, in the case of Monarch butterflies, which can only eat milkweed (Asclepias spp.) in their caterpillar stage, or as specific as one species, like the Karner Blue butterfly, which can only eat Lupinus perennis ssp. perennis, or Eastern Blue Lupine. The Karner Blue butterfly may lay its eggs on the colorful western varieties grown in many gardens across the country, but there are compounds in the western species' leaves not found in the eastern specie that is toxic to the caterpillar.
Not all of our pollinators are that specific! But because many of them are, it is always best to plant a wide variety of native flowers, grasses, trees, and shrubs, to ensure that all of our native pollinators have a chance to stop at the buffet we are providing! For more detailed information about the importance of native plants, check out the article "Why Native Plants?" linked here. If you don't see your favorites listed here, there are also articles for native trees, shrubs, perennials, grasses, and more! To find a full list of articles regarding native plants, click here.
It is always a good idea to double check the native range of a plant before you install it in your garden. As always, this list focuses on the southwest Pennsylvania area, with many of these plants extending far beyond the Pittsburgh suburbs. If the specific species listed here does not extend into your area with its native range, there is a high chance that a closely related plant in the same genus does! The following is in no particular order and each species has its own pros and cons. Let's start with a perennial that has a trait not commonly seen in herbaceous plants... It has a fall color!
1. Eastern Bluestar Amsonia tabernaemontana
Zones: 4-9
Size: 2-3' tall, 2-3' wide
Sun: 4-6+ hours
Wildlife: Hummingbirds, bees, butterflies, moths, deer and rabbit resistant
It isn't common for herbaceous perennials to have a fall color, as many of them simply begin to die back in the fall and winter. Eastern blue star's foliage will turn a brilliant golden hue in the fall. The flowers begin to emerge in April, popping into the tiny, blue stars the plant is named for. As the flowers fade and the pods begin to form, they will stick straight up, giving the plant an elevated interest. As part of the milkweed family, the sap is a deterrant for herbivores, meaning deer and rabbits will avoid it.
Eastern bluestar can be found growing naturally along streams, in ditches, on slopes, and in open fields. Its tolerance of drought once established makes it perfect for nearly any soil moisture condition. Hummingbirds, bees, and a whole host of butterflies, and moths will frequent the flowers. Coral Hairstreak caterpillars will feed on the leaves, leading to more butterflies in the yard!

2. Virginia Bluebells Mertensia virginica
Zones: 3-8
Size: 1.5-2' tall, 1-1.5' wide
Sun: Part to deep shade (4 hours or less)
Wildlife: Hummingbirds, bumblebees, butterflies, specialized bees
Virginia bluebells are a spring ephemeral, meaning they complete their life cycle before or shortly after the trees have fully leafed out in spring, going fully dormant by mid summer. The flowers can range from purple to blue and look like tiny bells. Newly emerging foliage is purple that quickly turns bright green. Bluebells bring a touch of class to any garden and will self seed readily, forming attractive colonies.
These beautiful bluebells can be found naturally growing in nutrient rich, moist forests. They grow well in loamy soils. Many early-flying bees will be visiting the flowers en masse, especially large bumblebees. Among the bees are butterflies, the Virginia bluebells' main pollinator. Ruby-throated hummingbirds will also frequent these flowers.

3. Flowering Dogwood Cornus florida
Zones: 5-9
Size: 15-25' tall and wide
Sun: 4-6+ hours
Wildlife: Specialized bees, butterflies, songbirds, gamebirds, mammals
Cornus florida also goes by the names flowering dogwood and Florida dogwood. It is native from Southeastern Canada all along the east coast, down into Mexico, west to Kansas. The specific epithet, or the second part of the scientific name, has no relation to the state of Florida, but is instead Latin for "floriferous," meaning many flowers. This is a small understory tree, growing well in full sun to part shade. Each "flower" is actually four bracts, or specialized leaves that imitate petals. The true flowers are the small, greenish yellow structures in the center of the bracts. In fall, the leaves turn a deep red, adding to the seasonal interest of the tree.
Flowering dogwood trees can be found growing naturally in average soils at the forest edge or in clearings, occasionally on dry ridges. It is the host plant for the spring Azure butterfly's caterpillar stage. The flowers support several species of specialized bees. The small, red, berry-like fruits are eaten by many of our local, native animals! Songbrids, squirrels, ruffed grouse, quail, foxes, turkey, and many more! While the deer browse the twigs, the tree is tolerant of deer, compact soils, storm damage, and fire.

4. Wild Blue Indigo Baptisia australis
Zones: 3-9
Size: 3-4' tall and wide
Sun: 4-6+ hours
Wildlife: butterflies, bees, birds, other pollinators
This clump-forming perennial will give the best bloom display when grown in full sun, or 6+ hours of direct sunlight. Also called false blue indigo, this beautiful plant is a member of the legume family. As such, it fixes nitrogen back into the soil via nodules on the roots that have a positive, symbiotic relationship with beneficial bacteria called rhizobia. The nitrogen fixing ability will also help nearby plants! The bright blue flowers will appear in May and tend to persist into summertime. The roots of the plant, once established, are very extensive laterally and with deep tap roots. Once established with the hardy root system, wild blue indigo does not transplant well.
Wild blue indigo can be found naturally growing on the edges of the woods, along streambanks, and in thickets. The flowers will attract bees, butterflies, and other pollinators. Songbirds will eat the pea-like seeds. The foliage, which persist throughout the growing season, are a food source for a variety of butterfly species. Baptisia australis is tolerant of deer, rabbits, poor soils, erosion, and more.

5. Wild Hyacinth Camassia scilloides
Zones: 4-8
Size: 1-2' tall and wide
Sun: 4-6+ hours
Wildlife: bees, butterflies, and other pollinators
The hyacinths most often seen in springtime that have dense, thick-petaled flowers are non-native and are not closely related to Camassia scilloides. While both reside in the asparagus family, Asparagaceae, the hyacinths you may be familiar with are in the genus Hyacinth, where our native, wild hyacinth are in the genus Camassia. Wild hyacinth are also called Atlantic camas or eastern camas. The west has the Atlantic camas, which is non-native on the east coast. The baby blue flowers of Atlantic camas are a welcome sign of spring, blooming in early May before many other plants have begun to break dormancy.
Wild hyacinths can be found naturally growing in moist meadows, stream banks, and open woods. They are tolerant of black walnut, clay soils, and drought once established. They will re-seed, but are slow to do so. Flowers will not appear until the plant is 3 years old. The long, narrow leaves can look like grass, so be careful not to pull them when weeding! The bulbs are edible and a staple food for early American settlers and Indigenous peoples. A wide variety of pollinators will visit the flowers in spring, including bees, butterflies, flies, and more.

6. Allegheny Serviceberry Amelanchier laevis
Zones: 3-8
Size: 12-25' tall and wide
Sun: 4-6+ hours
Wildlife: bees, butterflies, birds, small mammals, and other pollinators
The Allegheny service berry has a long list of common names, including juneberry, shadbush, saskatoon, sarvisberry, shadblow, shadwood, sugar plum, and more! Serviceberries tend to straddle the line between small shrub and large tree. They are a beautiful, often multi-stemmed woody perennial that is a fantastic substitution for the invasive Bradford pear. They both have gorgeous white blooms in spring, stunning red fall color, and the Serviceberry will neither smell like fish when in bloom, nor fall apart as a Bradford pear in a mild storm. The berries, which ripen in June, are loved by birds and people alike!
Serviceberries can be found growing naturally in thickets, open woods, sheltered slopes, and woodland edges. The spring flowers are a pollinator buffet! Caterpillars will much on the leaves, birds, and small mammals will much on the berries. The Allegheny seriveberry is tolerant of road salt, deer, and urban conditions.

7. Wild Geranium Geranium maculatum
Zones: 3-11
Size: 1-1.5' tall and wide
Sun: 2-6+ hours
Wildlife: bees, butterflies, small mammals, specialized bees
Also going by the names cranesbill, alum root, and spotted geranium, this plant is native to much of North America. This is one of the showiest native geraniums! Unlike other geranium species, wild geranium can tolerate shady conditions, though put on their best performance in full sun. When planted in a mass, the numerous pink-purple flowers above the green, deeply lobed and dissected leaves are truly breathtaking.
Wild geranium can be found growing in mesic forests, sometimes near streams or ponds where they can get the sunlight they need. While thriving in mesic soils, once established, wild geranium can tolerate drought and herbivore pressure. Songbirds will eat their seeds, and many pollinators will visit their flowers. Several species of caterpillars will also use the leaves as their main diet.

8. Paw Paw Asimina triloba
Zones: 5-9
Size: 15-20 feet tall and wide
Sun: 4-6+ hours
Wildlife: pollinators, songbirds, mammals, Zebra Swallowtail butterfly
Pawpaw trees are an incredible fruit tree- they produce one of the largest fruits native to North America! They also host some unique pollinators. These flowers are a deep purple color, meant to mimic the appearance of carrion to attract their pollinators- flies and beetles. The flowers contain both male and female parts, but they cannot pollinate flowers from the same tree. In order to have a tree produce fruit, there needs to be genetically diverse pollen reaching the flower. The fruit these small trees produce are delightful! They're edible and taste like a tropical fruit, though they have large seeds. You will find these trees growing naturally in areas such as woodlands, along streams or in ravines. The large leaves turn a beautiful, radiant gold in fall.
As mentioned before, their pollinators consist of flies and beetles. Their fruit is enjoyed by a myriad of animals, aside from humans. Songbirds, turkeys, raccoons, opossums, black bears and foxes all enjoy the creamy fruits. This tree is also a host plant for the larval stage of the zebra swallowtail butterfly.

9. Wild Strawberries Fragaria virginiana
Zones: 5-9
Size: 6-12" tall, 12-24" wide
Sun: 4-6+ hours
Wildlife: specialized bees, birds, small mammals
Not all strawberries are created equally! The grocery store strawberries are a hybrid between wild strawberries, Fragaria virginiana, and a South American species, Fragaria chiloensis. This was to combine the fantastic flavor of the North American species with the size of the fruits found natively in South America. That being said, the native species here in North America will still gravitate towards and find Fragaria virginiana more useful for them! The wild strawberry, also called the Virginia strawberry, is bursting with flavor in the small, mature fruits. They still, like the hybrid strawberries grown in many gardens, send out runners and readily spread to cover an area. They can be used as green mulch, or a living mulch substitute. This spreading behavior also helps them to prevent against erosion. Once established, they are also drought tolerant.
Virginia strawberries can be found growing natively in meadows, limestone glades, forest clearings, prairies, and cleared areas- including roadsides. They support the specialized bee Andrena melanochroa. Small mammals and birds will enjoy their flavorful fruits, which are also edible to people and pets.

10. Bellwort Uvularia grandiflora
Zones: 4-9
Size: 1.5-2' tall, 1-1.5' wide
Sun: 4 or fewer hours
Wildlife: pollinators, specialized bees
Shade loving, spring blooming plants can be hard to find! Bellwort looks like a unique tropical flower, but it can be found well into the Northern USA. They spread slowly by rhizomes, so achieving a mass planting can be achieved with relatively few plants. The long, pendulous, yellow flowers have petals that twist slightly at the end, adding to their visual interest. The short stature of this plant makes them a wonderful option for a shady border.
Bumblebees, mason bees, and other specialized bees will visit the large flowers. Bellwort naturally occurs in rich woodlands and on wooded slopes and valleys. Specially adapted to deep shade, bellworts are often able to thrive even with two or fewer hours of direct sun on their leaves.
When thinking of which plants to include in the landscape to give it that pop of color come springtime, consider native plants. Whether on this list or not, native plants are truly invaluable to the local ecosystem. Including native plants is the best way to help save the bees, support the birds, and see more butterflies! While adding a few native plants to the landscaping around the home may seem futile and like it doesn't make much of a difference, if everyone in the neighborhood were to do the same, a major section of the local ecosystem would be on its way to being restored! Leaving seed heads and allowing the local wildlife to eat the fruits produced by the plants will help the native plants to spread into the truly wild areas, which will ultimately help the planet to heal and for wildlife to have their habitat, their home, restored.